Sunday, August 24, 2008


The Declare Yourself team has arrived at the DNC! And who was here to greet us? A TORNADO!! Seriously. There is currently a tornado 20 miles from the convention....things could get interesting.

Tornado or not, we will be blogging straight from the MySpace cafes in downtown Denver and the heart of the convention. We will also be attending various events including the Starz Pavillion, Lifetime Future Frontrunners panel, Hillary Clinton speeches, and of course, the Obama acceptance speech. Keep checking our blog for pictures and commentary! For upt to the minute updates, follow us on Twitter at

Also, thank you to all the volunteers who came out to CSUN for the voter registration drive with the cast of ABC Family's GREEK. Check out the pictures below, the PSAs on our website, and watch the season premiere Tuesday, Aug 26th, at 9pm!