Thursday, January 31, 2008

Terminator 4: Rise of the Endorsements

On the heels of multiple endorsement announcements this week, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger officially announced his support of Republican John McCain. Standing beside former candidate Rudy Giuliani, the Governor threw his support behind McCain just days before California’s Primary, which falls on Super Tuesday 2008!

Still undecided about who to vote for in November? There are plenty of people and organizations coming out of the woodwork who would just LOVE to help you make your decision. They are (in no particular order):

Sen. Edward Kennedy & Caroline Kennedy: Barack Obama

The New York Times: Hillary Clinton and John McCain

Norma McCorvey aka Jane Roe: Ron Paul

Oprah Winfrey: Barack Obama

Rudy Giuliani: John McCain

Chuck Norris: Mike Huckabee

Donny and Marie Osmond: Mitt Romney

Barbara Streisand: Hillary Clinton

The list goes on…and on…

Just because a celebrity or newspaper endorses one candidate does not mean that you have to as well; YOU have the final say in who YOU vote for. To find out more about the endorsements, click here or here. To keep yourself informed, check out our blog and the Declare Yourself website! Arnold. Oprah.