Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Good Job Pennsylvania!

Pennsylvania broke new state records last week when voter registration in the Democratic Party topped 4 million! March 23 was the last day to register to vote in time for the Pennsylvania primary and a surge of people decided they wanted to be heard.

Pennsylvania has a closed primary, meaning a voter must be a registered Republican or Democrat in order to vote in that primary. Apparently Pennsylvanians decided that they wanted a say in the heated Democratic race between Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama because according to their election officials, registered Democrats increased by four percent! Registered Republicans, on the other hand, decreased by one percent.

Of the more than eight million registered voters in Pennsylvania, 160,000 just registered for the first time! In the Democratic Party, the 18-24 age group makes up nine percent.

So after you made it through reading all of those exciting statistics, what do you think? What will Pennsylvania’s turnout be like on its April 22 primary date? Do you think the youth vote will be a key factor?